Friday, July 9, 2021

The Worker vs The Manager. Equal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace


The Worker vs the Manager: Equal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace.

The Exempt vs the Non-Exempt Employees. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is fundamentally flawed

The Worker vs the Manager. Equal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace.

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was signed into law on June 25, 1938 claiming that it will provide protection to people working in the US.
The Worker vs the Manager. Equal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace. 

In my analysis, FLSA is fundamentally flawed for it divides workers into categories such as “White Collar” and “Blue Collar” without understanding the basis for the man’s existence in the natural world. There can be no distinction such as the Skilled and Unskilled among the workers as Life can only be defined as ‘Knowledge in Action’. All human beings process similar kind of information and use chemical energy to perform similar kinds of sequential, guided, purposeful and goal-oriented actions described as ‘Metabolism’. In fact, no man can perform Unskilled work.
The Worker vs the Manager. Equal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace.

I ask the US Congress and The US Department of Labor to discard the flawed Act and dump into the dustbin to put an end to the division of workers into White and Blue Collar. As such, each employee and his or her employer must make the determination about compensation or remuneration and agree upon the terms for wages and benefits for performing any kind of labor.
The Worker vs The Manager. Equal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace.

The Worker vs the Manager. Equal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace.
In my view, the Natural Sciences and the Medical Science in particular does not validate the concept of the White-Collar or the Managerial Class as no human being performs executive, administrative, or professional service while operating the metabolic functions of human bodies of their own. No man lives as the boss, the manager, the administrator, the executive officer, the ruler, the governor, or the controller of his own body.
The Worker vs the Manager. Equal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace.

The Worker vs the Manager. Equal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace.

The Worker vs the Manager. Equal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace.

The Worker vs the Manager. Equal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace.

The Worker vs the Manager. Equal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace.

The Worker vs the Manager. Equal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace.

The Worker vs the Manager. Equal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace.

I ask my readers to reject the assumptions and the criteria described by the Fair Labor Standards Act as they contribute to Unequal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace. As such the Fair Labor Standards Act is not consistent with the Natural Law principle of Equality that formulates the Supreme Law of this Land.

Rudra Narasimham Rebbapragada


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